We are a team of well seasoned industry professionals. Having worked on properties of all sizes big and small, both commercial and residential, for a wide variety of clients, YVR Pixel’s team knows how to make your property or project shine.  Below are samples of our work:

Virtual Tours

powered by Matterport

At YVR Pixel, we create and host detailed three dimensional digital models of your locations, giving your production team an invaluable resource at your fingertips. From locking in locations to wrap, YVR Pixels 3D models will be there for your team to reference at every step of the way!

Try out this fully interactive 3D environment created by our powerful MatterPort 3 camera.


Locking in locations, and the logistical challenges of a construction project just got a whole lot easier! Get your design, planning & construction crew unlimited access to your site at their convenience. Take measurements for all construction components, services, your construction team, before anyone steps on site. 


Make your locations team’s prep a breeze with a Matterport scan! Any and all imperfections and deficiency will be recorded in accurate detail and time stamped, limiting the possibility of inaccurate deficiency claims. When the time comes to take the protective cardboard off the walls and carefully place the furniture back where it goes, your team will once again have access to a perfect map to make your location owners wonder if your crew was ever there at all.

Your Digital Show Binder

Our premium model hosting gives your team quick links to specific rooms, areas of attention, Google Maps, photos, documents, and attachments. Share one link with the team to give department heads the information they need, all in one place, to make your shoot go smoothly. Tell us what you need labeled and shared! We will add it in your model.

Studio Scan

Give your construction team a 2D and/or 3D floor plan of your studio space. Bring that 40 foot high ferris wheel in with confidence! Digitally map and impose all sets, props and equipment, with the ability to reference our custom virtual floor plans and/or 3 dimensional dollhouse scans.

Our Media Packages include:

  • A 360° Matterport Virtual Model of your location using the latest LIDAR technology.
  • Premium Model hosting with easy quick links to specific rooms, Google Maps location, and other models. Share just one link to access all necessary information. 
  • 360° Photos inside your tour of nearby points of interest, e.g. street view, nearby parking, circus location, etc
  • 40-50 Photos for Location department references
  • 3-6 Months of Matterport Tour Hosting (with options to extend).
  • Ongoing support to add information/links to models as needed. 
  • Add-on Option: 2D & 3D Floor Plan, with measurements.
  • Add-on Option: downloadable 3D model of property for Art & Construction departments for further model building.
  • Discounts available for bulk orders.

Want to see more of our work?

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Email: [email protected]

Toll Free: +1 866 798 7798

Cell +1 604 373 7798